
By booking a numerology reading with Marleen Miotke alias Numergirl you confirm that you have read, understood and fully accepted the following disclaimer:

A numerology reading with Marleen Miotke alias Numbergirl is NOT a substitute for qualified medical, psychological, psychiatric or legal advice, diagnosis or treatment. Marleen is neither a doctor nor a licensed psychotherapist. Marleen Miotke alias Numbergirl does NOT diagnose, cure, cure or treat any disease or mental condition or otherwise prescribe any kind of medication.
If you think you are suffering from a medical or psychological disorder or condition, please contact your doctor or other appropriately qualified professional or service.
And be invited to consult your physician and/or therapist about a numerology reading with Marleen Miotke alias Numbergirl to make an informed and informed decision as to whether or not a numerology reading is appropriate for you.

You are fully and solely responsible for all information you provide to Marleen, for your interpretation of Marleen’s words and actions, and for all actions arising out of or in connection with any numerology reading at Marleen.

Marleen does not guarantee or warrant any particular outcome or result from your reading or any other kind of encounter with her, and makes no claims as to their effectiveness. The use of the Marleen service is at your own risk and without any express or implied warranty, including and without limitation any information, advice or opinions. The Service is requested at your own discretion and responsibility.

Thank you for your understanding.